Noble Leaders Arise

Noble Leaders Arise

Dale Carnegie suggested that we “appeal to the nobler motives”. In turn, I suggest that we reveal our own. Nobility is a virtue, and not a notion of “royal blood”. It is so much more. These words remind and inspire me. “Noble have I...
Serve and Return

Serve and Return

First, I invite you to watch 7- year- old Molly Wright share at TED. Conversation matters. The serve and return matters. Dialogue; it matters. Playing catch with one another… matters. Connection… matters. Molly Wright’s message … matters…...
Care and Service

Care and Service

In My High Functioning Six, I shared on six strengths upon which we can exercise to face life on its terms. Today, and amidst unexpected developments around health, good and not… I am reminded of self care and how we almost superficially acknowledge its...
Noble Leaders Arise

My High Functioning Six

For as long as I can remember, I have lived with what I see as my high functioning depression. I am a man of Optimism, but that is not the same as positivity. I do see Beauty in the world, and practice Thankfulness. Part of that Thankfulness is to be “thankful...
Noble Leaders Arise

The SLOWER War is Coming

In What’s Mission in Your Life?, I offered up thoughts, links and resources to help clarify on purpose… plus links to thoughts on Why, Will and Way… and some 16 character focused and driven posts for leadership and more.  That said, a simple...