A Grateful Practice

A Grateful Practice

In A Colossal Investment, I shared on meditation, into which I am returning for a deeper dive these days and going forward. As this Thanksgiving Weekend arrives, my intention is to meditate on Gratitude. The Virtues Reflection Card identifies its practice as being...
Building Confidence

Building Confidence

In The Over/Under on Whelm last week, the focus was on finding the space between overwhelmed and underwhelmed; Contentment. There were links, resources and thoughts… and I humbly recommend the read and reflect. As a child, I was both shy and imaginative....
My Stroke Still Teaches

My Stroke Still Teaches

6 years ago today, I awoke with a sense that something was “wrong”. The night before, I had inadvertently and minorly bumped into a door frame and my own bed within a 10 minute period … and found that “odd”. For someone who had a pretty...
Environmental Dawn

Environmental Dawn

In Your LIFE/work Explored, I shared thoughts and links around exploring and advancing purpose, and more. I noted that “Consider your own signposts to date. Inventory them. Try your hand at that GRATEfitti exercise noted above (you only need block letters and...
Building Confidence

A Better LENS for Growth

In Your Cooperative System, I offered up on what I affectionately call the “synergy of purpose”. I suggested that I personally use 9 areas of my life to forge a balance and avoid competing “goals”. In order to build on one’s why, what,...