A Meaningful New Year

A Meaningful New Year

Rather than simply wishing a Happy New Year, I am considering the notion of wishing one of meaning. Just yesterday, I posted on exploring the juncture of past, present and future; and I humbly recommend the read and reflect. But, here now, I want to look at what I...
Habit Seeding

Habit Seeding

First, I invite you to check out this post on healthy aging as I think it applies to any age, and it applies to what I share here today. Among other things, it speaks to the importance of Purpose… and Care… and more. With that in Mind and Heart… I am...
Day One, Again

Day One, Again

Yesterday was 90 weeks into this “great realization” for me, and I posted a long thought on Facebook. THE POST Long Post. Maybe longest ever. Choose accordingly. “There was once a lover who had sighed for long years in separation from his beloved,...
Burn the Ships

Burn the Ships

In Dare to Decide, I noted “In the end, and the beginning, reflect and consider on your answers to these three questions and develop three wise lists. What is it time to let go of?What is it time to keep?And what is it time to begin?” I have...
The Real Control

The Real Control

“You will never get it all done”. These are words that constructively haunt me from some 24 years ago. Priorities… it is all about priorities. In truth, time management is a bit of a myth. Our time is finite. Indeed, I am reminded of this from...