World Embracing

World Embracing

The world needs us. Locally, globally and glocally. As I enter into Ayyam-i-Ha and then The Fast, something is heating up in my Soul. For me, and millions of others around the world, this is a time of hospitality then leading into fasting. And, over three decades, I...
Curiosity and Zeal

Curiosity and Zeal

With my 6.2 birthday passed, Ayyam-i-Ha engaged, and the Fast approaching, re-centering is definitely underway. Stepping effectively forward often best and most requires stepping to the side to ascertain path. In Your Life is Your Country… I shared As LP Jacks...
Your Life is Your Country

Your Life is Your Country

Tomorrow is my 6-2 Birthday. Last up here, I shared on owning it. To own it, you must need know your “IT”. Today, ahead of 6-2, I offer this as my ownership in the thought of urging you to find yours. It is about finding our Dominion, the life that is our...
Own It

Own It

I recently posted on the practice of Dominion… saying “If I keep chasing whispers of wailing and wanting, I will not be nor do my best. My practice of Dominion matters; vitally.” Today, I posted on being aware of 8 biases. If we are to make true Hell...
Your Life is Your Country

The Real Zeal

In Find Your Dance, I noted that “Joy signals to us what is Soulful, That is not haphazard.” This Week, I have shared on Trustworthiness and Commitment and where the work begins and ends. I have written on emotions and Character. I have shared on Idealism...