Character and Strength

My post this week is short, sweet and simple… I think. 🙂 First, please read last week’s post on Character Intelligence. Then, consider this most recent post on LinkedIn. Finally, consider these notes on wisdom for critical thinking from Carl Sagan....

The Wall and the Eye

Transparency alert. I am a Baha’i. That is my core. I am working on it. And in these days, I can do and be nothing less. There are no easy answers; only great questions and ponderings. In BE, at Home, last week, I shared that “I am seeing this (personal...

Climbing the Wall

Last week, I offered up on a new saga beginning. I wrote to the ideas of “silos to synergy” and “everything requires everything”. This week, I find myself this morning on Day 4 of The Baha’i Fast. It is at this juncture that I often find...

Love Comes Around

Quite the January!!! Now, onwards. February is that “month of love” and we are back to it, this month. We first shared on love back in September. We then explored Fear in October, and Empathy in November… a year ending in December, and change in...

The End of Change?

Of course not; but this is the end (for now) for our dive in on it. In Snow Small Change, you can find links to all previous posts. We encourage that read and dig in. There is some good stuff in there. Now, to close it out, for now. Jenny says… Please read my...