R4/D2… 6 Pillars for Living

In Step Back and Forward, I wrote… ” For me, it is time to take something of a spiritual step back, on the eve of 70 days of taking a physical step back under self isolation. For me, it is time to step back, to step forward. It is time.” In and...

Character Intelligence

In A “PD” Day? last week, I shared on Perceptiveness and Discernment. Over this past week, I continued a journey of exploring character in these times, and yesterday I offered up a deeper dive on Confidence. Just this morning on LinkedIn, I shared on...

A “PD” Day?

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggested there were 5 stages of grief. We are experiencing them now. Some we might go through quickly, others less so. It is a personal experience. I think I am in the Bargaining piece now, figuring my way through. Last week, I shared on The...

BE, at Home

In Our Own Script, I noted that “I am starting my own journey of self isolation and homeworking…”. And, it has been quite the week. Teaching college from home. Running Epic Engage from home, working with clients from a distance at home, working out...

Love Comes Around

Quite the January!!! Now, onwards. February is that “month of love” and we are back to it, this month. We first shared on love back in September. We then explored Fear in October, and Empathy in November… a year ending in December, and change in...