Your Best CPU

Your Best CPU

Last evening, I was playing around with some character development for my AukWords comic launching this Fall. They are joyful works in progress, and will continue to be. The impetus for such play last night came from pondering on and writing my last several blogs,...
A Better LENS for Growth

A Better LENS for Growth

In Your Cooperative System, I offered up on what I affectionately call the “synergy of purpose”. I suggested that I personally use 9 areas of my life to forge a balance and avoid competing “goals”. In order to build on one’s why, what,...
Justice for Just Us?

Justice for Just Us?

In Positivity versus Optimism? I offered “So, let us not jump on the toxicity train of positivity. Let us engage the opportunity of Optimism… that powerful capacity to truly see the world and to have deeds, not words, be our adorning. The world needs that. Our...
Justice for Just Us?

Serve and Return

First, I invite you to watch 7- year- old Molly Wright share at TED. Conversation matters. The serve and return matters. Dialogue; it matters. Playing catch with one another… matters. Connection… matters. Molly Wright’s message … matters…...
Awe. That’s the Stuff.

Awe. That’s the Stuff.

In Get and Go Real: Renew the Lease, we explored Audacity and Authenticity… as well as linked back to posts on Acceptance, Accountability, Appreciation and Assertiveness. I referenced them all as the “A” Team. I think them worthy of a read and...