I have heard Barry as a presenter and have to say out loud that he is a stellar speaker. Engaging! Magnetic! I have seen many (understatement) speakers and have yet to be as impressed as I was by him.

Angie O'Connell

Newfoundland and Labrador Brain Injury Association


… lead with powerfully clear Character and Purpose

… unite and engage strong, diverse cultures of Capacity, and

… inspire learning cultures of flourishing Creativity and growth.

I help advance on these “wholly three”.

Humans. Together. Strong… advancing Character, Purpose and Unity… is what Epic Engage™ is about, always and all ways. 

I have been in “the work” for many years… and for good reason.

Frederick Buechner defined vocation as the place where “your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”.  This is mine. 

So, what do I bring to this table… live or virtually? 

First, I am a life long Student and Champion of Character, Purpose and Unity… as three fundamentals forces for great Leadership and Education. 

With that, I am a Leadership Educator, Speaker, Trainer, Facilitator, Mentor, Coach, Singer, Dancer, Cartoonist, Writer, Blogger, Vlogger, and Creator serving Entrepreneurs, Educators and Emerging Leaders building a better world and future at home, school, work, business, play and community.

And, I am the Showrunner and Producer of TUGtv.

I work one to one, and in small and larger groups … with Entrepreneurs, Educators and Emerging Leaders who seek to genuinely and sustainably and impactfully unite and engage… to more effectively respond to change… and constructively create it.  I humbly invite you to consider:

  • Master Facilitator with the Virtues Project™ since 2004
  • Certified Facilitator with Personality Dimension® since 2004
  • Facilitator with the Ruhi Institute since 2001
  • Practitioner of the work of What Color is Your Parachute? since 1982
  • Certified Super Host Leader and Mature Consumer Trainer, 2002
  • 44 years in leadership training and development
  • 30 years in business education and coaching
  • 25,000+ contact hours in speaking, training and facilitating
  • 2000+ participants and clients coached
  • delivered to audiences as large as 4,000
  • presented and performed for 250,000+ people of all ages and backgrounds
  • Vocalist, Rocker, Author and Writer, Dancer, Boxer, Cartoonist, Creator.

I humbly suggest that I have consciously (and even unconsciously) built a depth and breath of Experience, Education, Engagement and Enthusiasm around matters of Character and Temperament, Purpose and Unity; to serve individuals and organizations looking to move forward together, ever stronger.


What I Offer

I offer a wide range of teaching, speaking, facilitating, coaching, entertainment and MC services that are customizable… driven by a deep belief in, and Commitment to, the spirit of Character, Purpose and Unity.  My work will always be my work… indeed and in deed.  For more … I always encourage a reach out to me on LinkedIn… to get a much better idea on what I and we can do.

That all said, I invite you to consider these offerings:

L7™: Leadership FUNdamentals

… this session is about leading with powerfully clear Character and sharpened Purpose...

We focus on 7 actions and habits for building great leadership in the face of change and challenge, and opportunity... in a 1-2 hour key conversation.

We look at Joy, Curiosity, Devotion, Courage, Confidence, Resourcefulness and Service and we have fun!

The Leadership CLENS™

… this session is about uniting and engaging strong, diverse cultures of Capacity...

Aka The Educator in You, this 1-2 hour key conversation explores 6 strategies for building strong, united and purposeful cultures at school, work, business, play and community.  We dive into leadership that inspires, educates and unites... facing change. challenge and opportunity. 

The EPIC Leader™

… here, we dive deeper into leading with  clear high Character and clear Purpose with joyful Excellence...

In 2-3 hours, we advance noble leadership; the kind of leadership that is on a cool mission and builds cultures that are Excellence-driven. We dive into Humble Swagger exploring an assured step that invokes Clarity, Congruence and Confidence, moving forward together, stronger.  

the capaCITIES™ Course of Action

… and here, we dig deep into uniting and engaging strong, diverse cultures of Capacity... 

Capacity is about finding your distinct and strategic advantage; based on your combined Competencies, Commitment and Character in response to the needs of your clients, customers, audience and all stakeholders.  And, finding Purpose in that.  In 1-3 days, we dig deep and daring to build chemistry and Capacity.


… here, we inspire learning cultures of flourishing Creativity and growth...

Creativity is the power of imagination.  It unleashes our originality.  It makes us resourceful and better able to serve. 

Fully customizable, Flourish dives into building cultures where the myriad faces of Creativity serve and lead. We explore uncommon Creativity for the common good. And we have fun!

We build Creatitude.


… in this session, we take another angle on uniting and engaging strong, diverse cultures of Capacity… 

In 3-6 hours, we share experiences, thoughts and even insights on Character, Temperament and the Generations at school, work, business and community… with a focus on the bridges needed… and how awareness can build the  understanding that different and same are Strength. Unity it rocks!

The Rock Conference™

Yes, I call it the ROCK Conference™ Package, because I like to rock the message; and I bring multiple “platforms” to it.

We can package our content in a way that uniquely delivers.

Speaking. Singing, Dancing. Cartooning.  And more. 

Through, Epic Engage™ … we help campuses, companies, communities and conferences to move forward, together, stronger. And we rock it!

Barry is a Jedi when it comes to helping entrepreneurs craft and deliver their message.

Scott Andrews


I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary. I absolutely recommend him for your meeting or event.

Joe Calloway

I have heard Barry as a presenter a number of years ago and have to say out loud that he is a stellar speaker. Engaging! Magnetic! I have seen many (understatement) speakers and have yet to be as impressed as I was by Barry. I highly recommend anyone reading to venture a conversation with this guy and not get excited about everything!

Angie Smith

Director of Programs and Services, Newfoundland and Labrador Brain Injury Association

Barry went above and beyond our expectations for the weekend, engaging the youth on a level we did not expect… to know that someone believed in them, and that they could believe in themselves.

Lesley Butler

Executive Director, Open Door Community Youth Network

Barry Lewis Green was absolutely wonderful as a speaker on our staff retreat. He was exceptionally personable as well as flexible! He made connections with the group as a whole and as well with each and every individual. Barry has the ability to make each and every member of your team feel important and valued. It is a wonderful skill! 

Franca Smith

Senior Analyst, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

It was a great day yesterday. Thanks so much for being part of CSCNL’s ACE work in the area. As you know we wanted this day to be different and it was. People had a really good time and got a lot of take-aways. For sure the messages I had hoped you would convey were really well embedded in the session.

Penny Rowe

Executive Director, Community Sector Council

Barry is one of the most genuinely dedicated people that I have ever met. We have been colleagues in the speaking industry for several years now and I am always inspired by his passion for community and equality for all. I am honoured to have him in my network.

Toni Newman
