To What and Whom Do You Commit?

To What and Whom Do You Commit?

Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do when you felt committed, long after you no longer feel committed. It is the follow through. With this in mind and heart, it is incumbent upon us all to be discerning and decisive around that which we will truly...
Clean, Fierce and Focused

Clean, Fierce and Focused

Over the last week or so, I have posted on Leadership and Management … Consultation … Resourcefulness… and Certitude. I am no motivational nor public speaker. I am a student of Character Leadership and Unity Building. It is what I study,...
To What and Whom Do You Commit?

Certitude and Service: Do Your Homework

Over the last week or so, I have posted on Leadership and Management … Consultation … and Resourcefulness. And this morning I shared some thoughts on Certitude. Certitude is a virtue; a strength of character. With it, we discern and decide on that for...