The CLASSroom™

The CLASSroom™

The CLASSroom™ Barry speaks to the heroic in us all.  He speaks to together, strong… and he connects.  Oh, does he ever connect! Arranged where schedule permitting, this is a pure labour of love for Barry.  Interested?  For more information, connect HERE. Through it...
The CLASSroom™


We recognize that colleges, schools and youth centers are highly diverse communities.  Center, school and campus life can be incredible… and incredibly diverse.  That is real.  That is cool.  Diversity is a strategic and powerful advantage in nature, work and...
5 to Thrive

5 to Thrive

In I Choose, I shared … “I am reminded. Fewer projects. More love for the ones I keep. Success not defined by anything other than simple, joyful purpose. Impact. Impact with one person. Or thousands. It matters not. Impact matters. The Endgame, my endgame...
I Choose

I Choose

Yesterday I posted on Facebook… “Why Mr. Anderson do you persist?” “Because I choose to…”from The Matrix: Revolutions 5 years ago August 20, 2015, I experienced my stroke. In those following days laying in the CT SCANS and MRIs, I...