The Beauty of Character

Character is a beautiful thing.  It inspires.  It strengthens.  It reminds us of who we truly are.  And it is best seen in others with the virtue of BEAUTY.  Beauty is that virtue which enables us to “see.” Yesterday morning, as I was preparing to continue...

A Thing of Beauty

Over my last couple of blogs and posts, we have been exploring the virtue and strength of acceptance.  It is the virtue of “the beginning”.  It is about accepting where we are, as a starting point… as a point of true presence.  No goal of consequence...

The Champion of Acceptance

In my last post, we started out on an exploration of the virtue of ACCEPTANCE, as part of a year long journey through the study of strengths of character and virtue… as qualities for engaging life at school, family, work and community.  Riding on this...


As promised, we are commencing a year long journey to explore strengths of character (virtues) and their connection to leadership at school, at home, at work and in community.  Here, we will examine specific virtues and the science and growing understanding of their...

A Kentucky Education

Yesterday morning, I read this post of Bill Gates on education in Kentucky.  In my shortest post ever, and as a ramp up to our year long series on virtues in action… I have but three questions for us all to ponder. First, what are the virtues at play in this...